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Kaitlyn F. Miller

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My Experience

  1. My first Internship was with Noshinku, which is a hand sanitzer company that began before the pandemic. I learned what is can be like working in a start-up environment.
  • There was a high demand for effective communcation and collabortation skills. I was also able to start my journey with cold calls, direct messgaes and emails during my time with Noshinku.
    1. The second place I worked was Miror, a nonprofit platform that hosts virtual gatherings regarding people's mental health.
  • Miror was also a start-up atmosphere however, it showed me more of my passion towards supporting the health field.
  • About Me

    I am graduating from the University of Pittsburgh in May 2022 with a degree in Media and Professional Communication with a certificate in Leadership. I am currently on the job search, looking for a position that will utlize my experience and passions while teaching me more about the commuincations, marketing and sales fields.


    Here you will see some of my most recent creations. I love communications and the freedom and creativity that comes with the professional field. Please enjoy some of the visuals I have designed. Creating is a passion of mine especially when they are projects about subject and/or people that mean a lot to me.
  • This project was created in 2022, for my Composing Digital Media course we were asked to create a visual argument. After many revisions and peer/advisor feedback I put together this final visual. This graphic argues that education in the prison system can break the once arrest, always arrest pipeline.
  • visual of prison system cycle with light in the form of education breaking the cycle
  • This project was created in 2022 for my Persuastive Writing in Advertising course. The class was given a few random images and asked to create a print ad for any company. I decided to focus on the headphone sof the image and relate it to Headspace. Headspace is an online company that specializes in meditation and mental health.
  • Ad with women wearing headphones promoting headspace mental health app
  • This collage was create in 2022 for my sorority at The University of Pittsbrugh. I made this for recruitment to promote sisterhood to the potential new memebers going through recruitment.
  • collage made up of images of members of alpha epsilon phi
  • Here is an Instagram story I made to promote a basketball tournament our chapter hosted. An event called Phi Hoops is an event we host annually to raise money for our philanthropies while having a ball!
  • Instagram story promoting a basketball tournament

    My Contact Info

    I hope to be in touch,

    P.S. Feel free to reach out with any questions or comments about my experience. Thank you for checking out my website!